
来源:残障历程   作者:残障历程   2021.04.02 17:37  浏览1401





为提高全社会对自闭症的认识,改善自闭症人士的生活质量,支持自闭症人士过上充实而有意义的生活,2007 年 1 2 月 ,联合国大会联合国大会一致通过4月2日为世界提高自闭症意识日。





We are all different,and that's wonderful. Some differences are easy to see,Height, hair style, gender, eye color, and so on.Other differences can't be seen,Our favorite foods,Fears or special skills.


Interestingly, the way we see in the world is also different.For instance:what do you see in this drawing? Most people see a duck but some of you might have seen a rabbit.Whichever you saw,you are correct.This is just a trick where I’m going to show you that all brains work differently.


The brain is your body's computer,It works differently for all of us and controls how you learn.that's why we are all good at different things.how you feel, which is why we all feel different emotions and how you communicate.Sometimes the brain is connected in such a way that affects senses and how we perceive and read situations and interactions. This is known as autism.Many people have autism.so it's likely you already know someone who is autistic and for this reason, it's useful to know a little bit about autism.


The special wiring inside an autistic brain can sometimes make the person good at tasks we may find difficult,such as mathematics, drawing or music.It can also do the opposite. And activities we find too easy are incredibly difficult to them such as making friends.The sense is constantly sending information to your brain about your surroundings and other people.However, when a person's brain and its senses don't communicate well,the brain can become overwhelmed and confused affecting how they'll see the world .


Picture yourself walking down the street.This is how an autistic brain may experience the same walk.Scary, isn't it?Sadly, in many cases the person can't say out loud how they feel. So even though there’s chaos going on in their heads, they seem okay on the outside,unable to ask for help.


We will develop behaviors to help us feel calm in uncomfortable situations.We may look away ,hug ourselves,chew our fingernails,bite our lips and so on.Equally, autistic people develop behaviors that help them cope with these intense moments.These actions may seem unusual but they're just their way to feel calm.When they happen it means they are having a hard time.The kind thing to do is not to give them an even harder time by getting cross,ignoring them or mocking them.


Remember, just because a play station can’t read a X-box game it doesn’t mean they are broken.People with autism need friends who are willing to take the time to know them.With good communication and plenty of patients everyone would be better off. People with autism are not ill or broken.They simply have a unique view of the world.and with a little support from their friends they might just be able to share their feeling with us.Autism can make amazing things happen.

记住,PS 游戏机无法读取 X-box 游戏并不意味着它就坏掉了。自闭症人士需要朋友,渴望有人愿意花时间,与他们相处,良好的沟通与充分的耐心会使大家都从中受益。自闭症不是一种病,有自闭症也并不意味着发展不健全。自闭症人士只是在用与众不同的方式看待世界,只要获得一点支持和善意,自闭症人士也可以和大家分享自己的感受。这个世界将会变得更多姿多彩。





翻译: 姜睿琰、韩婧莹

制作支持: 波波

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