
来源:残障历程   作者:残障历程   2022.01.24 21:42  浏览444




Well, it certainly wasn't something I thought about growing up, or in college, in Ann Arbor Michigan, none of this came to the forefront till I had a child with a disability.


Samuel was born in 1999. Within a few years he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy.


Part of what we need to do was come up with a vision for what was his life gonna be like?


my wife and I thought long and hard about that, and the thing that kept coming to the forefront, is that he would feel like he belonged.


Think of who you are as a person, now, you know you have a job, but you also have hobbies, and interests, and passions, and a lot of that was formed growing up.


Not just through the academic experience of school, but through the social and emotional experience of school.Being with lots of different kinds of kids and people, and learning to be challenged in your presumptions, and learning that diversity is a broad spectrum of people.Unless you live that diversity day in and day out, I don't think that you ever grasp that, and I don't think you ever develop socially and emotionally the way that you need to.


In 2007, Dan Habib made a documentary, "Including Samuel", chronicling his efforts to give his son and inclusive experience.


To belong when you're a child that uses a wheel chair, that has a significant speech disorder, and other challenges, you need to be in a community that believes that all people belong in your schools.In your extra curricular activities, that all kids can learn, that all kids can go on to college.


When you think about that level of accessibility, you are taking about every part of our society.So, thankfully were in a community that believes that kids with disabilities belong general education.Because thirty years of research shows that inclusive education for kids with disabilities yields better outcomes academically, socially, in terms of their jobs, in terms of their access to college.


What can higher ed do to encourage inclusivity for students and faculty with various challenges?


Accessibility, inclusivity, has to be a lens that you start from the very beginning when you're thinking about what software to purchase, how to write code, who do you work with in your team?Can we bring in a more diverse team of people to think about this?Can we beta test our projects with people who have different challenges and difficulties?Once you have that lens of inclusivity and accessibility, you start looking at all aspects of our society and say- hmm - is this really the best possible way?Is it the most universally designed technology?I think that IT folks first of all have to have that motivation, they have to believe that college is a place for all learners.


There are increasingly students of all different kinds of abilities and disabilities going into college.There are actually 270 programs around the country at universities that are specifically geared towards bringing more students with disabilities into the college environment.


once you have that lens and that motivation, then you think how am I going to universally design that technology from the beginning.especially when you have the opportunity to take on new projects and build new infrastructure.If thats your lens from the beginning, you're going to save so much work in terms of trying retrofit it down the line to meet new accessibility requirements.









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