
来源:残障历程   作者:残障历程   2022.01.18 16:55  浏览389



the goal of this program is to make adaptive toys easily accessible and available to children with developmental disabilities in this community.


This class is very unique. We are, as far as we know, the only ones in the United States that are offering this class. It's a highly multidisciplinary course. We have electrical engineering students mechanical engineering students. We have physical therapy students. These are graduate students in the doctoral program or are enrolled. The students in the engineering program are juniors and seniors, and they all work in teams to be able to adapt these toys. They bring their scope skills, and they have to communicate. They have to be able to learn how to deal with other people with other fields and learn problem-solving skills.

这门课很特别。目前,全美国只有我们开设了这门课。这是一门多学科深度交叉的课程,我们的团队里有电气工程和机械工程专业的学生。我们的团队里还有物理治疗专业的学生,他们都是博士生,有的已经在读,有的刚被录取。工程学专业的都是大三、大四的学生,他们一起努力,对玩具进行改造。为团队贡献自己的特长,也会彼此交流, 除此以外,还需要培养很多能力,如与不同领域的人打交道的能力和解决问题的能力。

Maddex is a little boy who was referred by his physical therapist. He's four years old and he has a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and he also has what's called some cortical visual impairment. So he has a lot of limitations with functional movement.


When he gets into his car, he's able to manoeuvre his own environment. I think it will do wonders for him to be able to get out and explore and not be dependant on us. He's very interested in his surroundings even though he has low vision. he likes to be outside. He likes to hear the kids playing. I think it'll be great for him just to have that control to be up to go, you know, forward and backwards where he want to go.


What I've gained from this project, personally I has been some great experience working in an interdisciplinary environment. not only working just with electrical engineers like myself I'm working with mechanical engineers and also physical therapy students. the level of communication and the dynamic of communication that we need to be able to have has been really great.


So a lot of times with programs you don't get that one-on-one like face-to-face action as a student.,this project has allowed me to not only see what I get to do in the future but it also is like really good motivating because we're not in clinicals yet. it's really good to just have that reminder like all the studying and all the hard work is so worth it because I'm changing even if I only change the life of one kid it's so worth.


They have an awesome program, you will know. I think it's amazing the stuff that they were doing you know I call them kids. You know they're young adults, sometimes, but to see even their faces light up, you know it's priceless









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