
来源:残障历程   作者:残障历程   2021.04.21 21:45  浏览541




























I was Born to stand out

Today, I want to share something very important with you, something very special about me.I hope you will understand.I know, like all the other kids are autistic.Some people are good at filling in. I was born to stand out.people to stick mean that my brain works differently.I see things that no one else can see and do things that no one else can do.今天我想和你分享一些特别重要的事,和你聊聊我的特别之处,希望你能理解与众不同的我。我相信这也是很多自闭症孩子的心声,有的人会被淹没在人海中,而我生来就与众不同。人们总说,我的大脑和其他人不一样。我能看到别人看不到的东西,做别人做不到的事。

We’re all different

You've already noticed that one who is autistic. Maybe your friends or someone your family.but they're probably not like me either. We're all different and that all makes us special,Most of the time I've been me.there's no one else like me.也许你身边就有家人或朋友是自闭症人士,但我们每个人的情况都不一样,我们都是不同的个体,各有各的特色,很多时候我都在做自己,世界上,不可能有和我完全一样的人。

It's not always easy to be different

It's not always easy to be different, especially when people don't understand me. I want to understand, but when they don't, I feel sad and alone.Sometimes people think I'm naughty or lazy or weird.They tell me to be normal and to do things like everyone else. Sometimes I do wish I could fit in,but I can't. I've tried, it feels fake. It's not me. This video is help you understand me. Why is so much easier when people understand.与众不同并不容易,尤其是在别人不理解我们的时候。我们渴望被理解,被误解时,我们感到孤独和难过。有时,别人眼中的我们是那么调皮、懒惰,甚至捉摸不透。他们说要像其他人一样,“正常”一些。有时我也希望能融入大家,但我觉得那样很假,因为那不是我。我尽力了,但我做不到。希望这部短片能让你了解我,有了大家的理解,我们就好过多了。

I can do amazing thing

I'm not good at everything, just some things. No one's good at everything.We all shine from different angles.It's easy to concentrate on things that interest.my hobbies and interests, give me so much energy. I love them so much. I could do them all day.Sometimes I get so excited. You can see it in my body, my hands.I wish I could share my excitement. Other kids on is interested as me.I often get told to calm down or be quiet.I'm having so much fun. It's hard to do other things, Instead.


I do want friends

I often find people confusing.When you speak in secret codes I don't understand.Can you just tell me what you really mean? I have a great imagination, and so sometimes I like to be in my own little world.It's safe place I understand it and it's not scary. Making friends with other kids is hard,kids they come strange, and they're often mean to me. It's easier to play alone or talk to adults instead.Sometimes I do want to join in,but I don't know how. I'm scared of getting it wrong. I just want to be accepted. I need your help to find ways to connect.It's fun TV around of artistic things. We're all different from each other, which means I'm not the odd one out anymore. It's okay to meet me. I don't need to worry about what they might think. I can share things I love and they can too.


The world is not always friendly

I can be sensitive to some things. Bright white hurt my eyes and wild noises hurt my ears. I want to run away where they can't hurt me.Going out can be scary, but I don't know what will happen. I like things that I already know. Things I know are safe. I feel safe when I know what to expect. I feel safe when I know what to expect. Did you know you smell funny? I always notice, but I don't tell you,just in case you get angry. Most people don't like being told they smell funny. Even when they do.Sometimes clothes are itchy and food is disgusting.Other kids don't seem to notice. I guess it doesn't bother them. I wish it didn't bother me, but it does.Please take me seriously when I try to explain. Even if it just sounds strange to you, if you sound being silly, I feel like it's hard to breathe.


I try really hard

Some things are very difficult for me. Very things.like trying to sit still all spending all day at school being around not annoying people. It's exhausting and I need a break to recharge. If I rock or sing to myself, I'm not trying to be disrespectful or distracting. It helps me feel calm.Please don't be offended. Please don't be offended. If I don't look you in the eye, I'm not ignoring you or trying to be rude. It's easy to listen if I look away. Sometimes I get exhausted and forget what I was doing. I'm not trying to be naughty. My thoughts run so fast, help me stay on track.


It help to give me time

Sometimes I need time to think. Please be patient with me. If I don't answer straight away, it can be hard to tell how I feel. When I feel rushed I get very stressed and can't think. I worry I will take you on and you will stop listening. Give me time helps me to communicate. I'm not lazy when I don't time sure races or don't pack things away. This is not easy. Please don't call them easy. I feel stupid and useless when I can't do easy things.


Sometime I get overloaded

I have big feeling. Sometimes it's like everything is amplified. I can be really frustrated, angry, scared, excited, and even happy all at once.I need time to calm down and process what's going on. But If I don't get a break, I have to hold everything in. Sometimes I just want to curl up into a bowl or run away. I want to find a safe place where I could be myself for that I always worrying about doing the wrong thing and being punished for it.Even if I look okay on the outside, I may be about to burst on the inside when I get home from school,I spent a whole lot of energy trying to be normal, trying to be brave and keeping my feelings on the inside. My bucket is so full, it's about to burst, one more tiny drop and everything comes out. I'm tired and I can't just hold it in anymore. I don't want to be naughty. I just can't be brave anymore. I hope you're not angry at me.


Meltdowns are not tantrums

When I have a meltdown, I'm not throwing a trench room. I'm overwhelmed and I'm not coping. Sometimes I scream or yell or hit something or run. Don't need to scare you.I hope I don't hurt you or break anything. Please keep calm and help me stay safe. When it's all over, I feel ashamed, I wish I could hold it together. I'm not a naughty kid, I feel sad, worry that you're disappointed in me. I'll try harder next time.


I need your help

Asking for help is hard. I worry what you'll think of me, and I worry how you will react. One day, I may need to tell you something really important. One day I may need to share that I feel empty on the inside, that I feel alone and worthless. when it feels like life is hard. Remind me that I'm not a broken version of normal, I'm unique and individual, creative and kind and capable in my own way. Don't tell me that you understand or that It's not that bad. Just be with me and show me that you're on my team and you are not going to leave me alone. Life with autism is not a walk in the park, it's more like a roller coaster. People pay money to get on roller coasters. They don't try and hop off. Don't let my bad days define me. Just hold my hand when I'm afraid and we will have an amazing ride together.Even when you get it wrong, it means so much to me that you tried. I see that you care about me. That's what really matters.


Your kindness make a big difference

A little thing you do make a big difference, your kindness and understanding changes my whole world. When you believe in me, it helps me to believe in myself. So be nice to me and speak positively about me. I can probably hear you, even if you think I can't. I hope this video has helped you to understand me. I'm human, just like everyone else. Even when I feel like an alien lost in a long way from home. So next time you see me, they are making assumptions about me, take some time to get to know me. I'm artistic, and I'm also don't expect me to be normal. Just let me be me. So next time you see me, they are making assumptions about me, take some time to get to know me. I'm artistic, and I'm also don't expect me to be normal. Just let me be me. I'm sure you. I will surprise you to make the world a better place for autistic people don't force me to fit in. Put me one different.








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